Home > Blossary: Uncommon Phobias

Category: Science

16 Terms

Created by: dnatalia

Number of Blossarys: 60

My Terms
Collected Terms

Omphalophobia je strah pred bullybuttons. Strah imeti svoje mako1_mako, dotaknil ali na dotik druge osebe trpijo ' s popek. Strah je pogosto povezana z popek ' združenje s popkovino in materi ...

Domain: Psychiatry; Category: Phobias

Omphalophobia es el miedo de bullybuttons. Las víctimas tienen miedas a tener sus ombligos tocados, o tocar a otra persona ' s ombligo. El miedo a menudo está relacionado con el ombligo ' s ...

Domain: Psychiatry; Category: Phobias

Omphalophobia е страх от bullybuttons. Болните се страхуват да им пъпчета докосна, или да докосват друго лице ' s пъпа. Страхът често е свързана с пъпа ' s асоциация за пъпната връв и майка ...

Domain: Psychiatry; Category: Phobias

Omphalophobia ir bailes no bullybuttons. Slimniekiem baidās to bellybuttons aizskāra vai aizskart citu personu ' s vēders poga. Bailes bieži vien ir saistīta ar vēders poga ' s sasaisti ar ...

Domain: Psychiatry; Category: Phobias

Omphalophobia este frica de bullybuttons. Suferinzi se tem să aibă lor bellybuttons atins, sau să se atingă de o altă persoană ' s ombilic. Frica este adesea legat de ombilic ' s de asociere ...

Domain: Psychiatry; Category: Phobias

Omphalophobia is the fear of bullybuttons. Sufferers are afraid to have their bellybuttons touched, or to touch another person's belly button. The fear is often linked with the belly button's ...

Domain: Psychiatry; Category: Phobias

Gymnophobia is a fear or anxiety about being seen naked, and/or about seeing others naked, even in situations where it is socially acceptable. Gymnophobes may experience their fear of nudity before ...

Domain: Psychiatry; Category: Phobias

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